First Steps with “Browser Actions”

An abstract and colorful digital artwork featuring a swirling design with vibrant, flowing lines and geometric shapes. The central focus includes a dark screen with code, surrounded by elements like boxes and icons, all set against a textured, golden-brown background. The composition evokes a sense of creativity and technology.


I’m con­stant­ly read­ing, col­lect­ing, and eval­u­at­ing web con­tent, so most of the short­cuts I use are relat­ed to inter­act­ing with my brows­er. So I was hap­py that Car­lo Zottmann just released the first betas of his new appli­ca­tion, Brows­er Actions, which expands the capa­bil­i­ties of Apple Short­cuts with actions that allow inter­ac­tions with all inter­net browsers. “Brows­er Actions” can access menus, win­dows, and tabs, enabling both read­ing and con­trol­ling their state. Addi­tion­al­ly, “Brows­er Actions” can also inter­act with the web con­tent. Input fields can be read or filled with data, but­tons can be trig­gered, and much more.

While a frac­tion of these capa­bil­i­ties is already avail­able out of the box in the Short­cut App, it is lim­it­ed to Safari. With “Brows­er Actions”, short­cuts work seam­less­ly with Google Chrome, MS Edge, Vival­di, and Brave with­out any mod­i­fi­ca­tions.

In this arti­cle, I will demon­strate how to use “Brows­er Actions” with two sim­ple exam­ples. How­ev­er, this will only give an idea of the vari­ety of pos­si­bil­i­ties that “Brows­er Actions” offers.

Amazon Price history

The first exam­ple shows how easy it is to work with URLs. Read­ing them from the active brows­er, manip­u­lat­ing them, and cre­at­ing new insights by open­ing the mod­i­fied URLs in the active brows­er again.

The web appli­ca­tion tracks how the prices of prod­ucts on the Ama­zon web­site have evolved over time. It uses a sim­ple URL query to search the price his­to­ry of a prod­uct. This makes it easy to cre­ate a short­cut that can be invoked direct­ly from an Ama­zon prod­uct page, rather than hav­ing to copy and paste or switch brows­er tabs man­u­al­ly.

To achieve this, the prod­uct page URL will be added to the fol­low­ing URL:

Using stan­dard Apple Short­cut actions, it’s already pos­si­ble to cre­ate a short­cut with the fol­low­ing steps:

  1. Get the URL from the cur­rent brows­er using the “Receive URLs input from Whats On Screen” action.
  2. If there is no URL, stop the work­flow with the mes­sage “No URL.”
  3. Check if the URL con­tains the word “ama­zon”.
  4. If it doesn’t, stop the short­cut and dis­play the mes­sage “No Ama­zon URL.”
  5. If it does, con­cate­nate the URL with the Camel­Camel­Camel URL.
  6. Open the result­ing URL using the “Open URL” action.

And this is the short­cut:

he image shows a macOS Shortcut workflow titled “Amazon Price History Pre 
Browser Action.” It begins by receiving URLs from “What’s On Screen” and checks if the input does not contain “amazon.” If true, it displays a text saying “No Amazon URL.” Otherwise, it creates a CamelCamelCamel search URL using the input and opens it. The shortcut is pinned in the menu bar and set to receive input from the screen.

The dis­ad­van­tage of this short­cut is that it always dis­plays the result in Safari, regard­less of which brows­er it was called from. How­ev­er, I would pre­fer the result to be dis­played in the same brows­er from which I ini­ti­at­ed the short­cut.

“Brows­er Actions” is the solu­tion because it works with most of the browsers on macOS. It helps to stay with­in the active brows­er, as it oper­ates based on the con­cept of the front­most brows­er. Even when mul­ti­ple browsers are open in the back­ground, you can inter­act with the cur­rent­ly active brows­er win­dow and expect that the results will be dis­played in that same brows­er.

With “Brows­er Actions”, the short­cut would look like this:

The image shows a macOS Shortcut workflow titled “Amazon Price History.” It retrieves the details of the active tab from the frontmost browser window and checks if the page URL does not contain “amazon.” If true, it shows an alert saying “No Amazon URL.” Otherwise, it constructs a CamelCamelCamel search URL using the page URL and opens it in a new tab in the frontmost browser. The shortcut is pinned in the menu bar

There is no need to check the option to “Receive What’s On Screen”. I only use the ‘Pin in Menu Bar’ option. It is eas­i­er for me to access short­cuts on the Mac from the menu instead of the Share Sheets.

Before con­tin­u­ing, I want to include a brief dis­cus­sion about using object para­me­ters in action calls. Let’s take the action “Get details of the tab active tab of front­most win­dow in front­most brows­er” as an exam­ple. This action cre­ates an inter­nal object from the cur­rent brows­er tab, includ­ing all its para­me­ters and with their cur­rent val­ues. The val­ues can be used in oth­er actions, such as in the “if” part of a con­di­tion­al state­ment.

Because of the fea­tures of the short­cut edi­tor, the con­di­tion is already set up with the result from the action that is used before, in this exam­ple with “Brows­er Tab Object.” If there is anoth­er object set up or none at all, just click in the field, clear it, and select “Insert Vari­able → Get Details of Brows­er Tab.”

After click­ing on “Brows­er,” a pop­up will appear with all the para­me­ters that can be used. Here, we want to check the Page URL, there for “PageURL” has to be select­ed.

It is also pos­si­ble to store an object in a vari­able. In this case, the object will be dupli­cat­ed and saved. This copy vari­able can then be used in the same way as the orig­i­nal object. You can also assign one para­me­ter of an object to a vari­able. But at least, it seems that way. In real­i­ty, the whole object will be copied again.

In one case, it took me hours to dis­cov­er that anoth­er para­me­ter was used when I thought I had assigned a spe­cif­ic para­me­ter. The short­cut end­ed up using a dif­fer­ent one.

I am not a com­put­er sci­en­tist, so I hope I have used the cor­rect ter­mi­nol­o­gy for the most part.

The animated GIF shows a macOS Shortcut action where the user selects the “Get details of the tab” action for the frontmost browser window. The user then adds a variable to the action by clicking on the action field, selecting a variable from a drop-down list, and inserting it into the action. The GIF demonstrates how to modify the browser tab details action with dynamic variables.

Now, back to the short­cut.

In the next step, the short­cut checks whether the “PageURL” return val­ue from the ‘Get Tab Details…’ action con­tains the word ‘ama­zon’. If it does not, the short­cut will dis­play an alert. Oth­er­wise, it builds the link with the query in a text box, which is then used to call Camel­Camel­Camel in the cur­rent brows­er in a new tab.

This is a very basic use case for brows­er actions. It already shows an advan­tage over the stan­dard actions: It works seam­less­ly across browsers. If you call the short­cut when a Chrome brows­er is active, the result will appear in the same brows­er. In the next exam­ple, I will present a more com­plex sce­nario that also uses “Actions for Obsid­i­an”, an appli­ca­tion also devel­oped by Car­lo Zottmann.

Capture a Browser Selection as Snippet in Obsidian

The sec­ond exam­ple shows how a selec­tion in a brows­er win­dow can be cap­tured by “Brows­er Actions” and con­vert­ed to Mark­down. Then this mark­down will be added inside a call­out to an Obsid­i­an note that col­lects these snip­pets along with some meta­da­ta. The snip­pets will then look like this:

A screenshot displaying snippets on an Obsidian note. The first snippet describes a feature for retrieving details of a browser tab, including current URL and HTML document. The second snippet introduces Fabric, emphasizing the importance of prompt quality in using large language models. The third snippet provides an overview of the Browser Actions application for macOS, which adds shortcut capabilities for various browsers. It's an example for the result of the shortcut.

First, cre­ate a note to col­lect the snip­pets. Since the “Prepend Note” action from “Actions for Obsid­i­an” will be used, a head­ing is required under which the snip­pets will be insert­ed. Here is an exam­ple. It is pos­si­ble to add more text and head­lines if need­ed.

title: "Snippets"
  - WebSnippets
date: 2023-10-20
## Snippets

This is a possible extra area, see text

With “Prepend Notes” and the option “begin­nig of sec­tion below the head­line” the snip­pet will be insert­ed below the head­line in order from newest to old­est. It is also pos­si­ble to change the order with the action Append Notes. How­ev­er, with­out an addi­tion­al step the snip­pet would be insert­ed below the line “This is a possible extra area, see text". To avoid this, an addi­tion­al head­er must be placed above the --- in the foot­er. This could be an invis­i­ble head­er like ## %%hidden%% or anoth­er head­line with addi­tion­al text.

title: "Snippets"
  - WebSnippets
date: 2023-10-20
## Snippets

## %%hidden%%`
This is a possible extra area, see text 

The entire short­cut will look like this:

A screenshot of the shortcut for adding a snippet to Obsidian. The left side displays a workflow for retrieving details about the active tab in the frontmost browser, processing text selections, and combining results. The right side shows options for details, privacy settings, and setup, with features to pin in the menu bar and add keyboard shortcuts. At the bottom, there's a section for prepending text to a specified file path within Obsidian's vault.

The short­cut goes through the fol­low­ing steps:

  1. The “Details of the tab…” action gets all the details of the active tab of the front­most brows­er, such as the URL of the page, the title, the source, and so on. One of these details is “Cur­rent Selec­tion (Mark­down)” which, unlike the “Cur­rent Selec­tion” para­me­ter, cap­tures all for­mat­ting infor­ma­tion and con­verts it to mark­down.
  2. In the next step, the val­ue of the para­me­ter “Cur­rent Selec­tion (Mark­down)” is con­vert­ed into a list where each line becomes an item. This makes it pos­si­ble to add “> ” in front of every line need­ed for the call­out mark­down visu­al­iza­tion.
  3. The result of the split action will be assigned to a vari­able, so its pos­si­ble to loop through all the items with the “repeat” action.
  4. With each iter­a­tion, the ‘repeat item’ is then pre­fixed with “> “.
  5. The result­ing list is con­vert­ed back to nor­mal text.
  6. The “date” is need­ed for the use in the text box.
  7. In the “Text” box, the snip­pet is then assem­bled from the indi­vid­ual com­po­nents. Two blank lines are added before the head­line of the call­out, to ensure a gap between the snip­pets.
  8. At the end, the snip­pet cre­at­ed is insert­ed into the snip­pet note with the help of “Actions for Obsid­i­an”

This allows you to select any part of a web page in most browsers on the Mac and save the selec­tion as a snip­pet to a note in Obsid­i­an. I chose Obsid­i­an because it’s my tool for cap­tur­ing what I find on the web. It may be pos­si­ble to apply this short­cut to oth­er tools as well, as long as there is some sort of inte­gra­tion with Apple Short­cuts.

Conclusion and Outlook

In this post I pre­sent­ed two small solu­tions that I think show the poten­tial of “Brows­er Actions “on the Mac. The first exam­ple takes the URL of an active web page and calls a web appli­ca­tion with that URL. This exam­ple shows that, unlike stan­dard actions, “Brows­er Actions” work with all browsers. The sec­ond exam­ple inte­grates the con­tent of a web page into a work­flow and cre­ates new con­tent in dif­fer­ent tools. But this is not all Brows­er Actions can do. The appli­ca­tion pro­vides many actions that allow automa­tion of brows­er inter­ac­tions and HTML ele­ments, such as input.

In one of my next posts, I want to dis­cuss these pos­si­bil­i­ties and show how to manip­u­late web pages. So stay tune 😉

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